2023 Holiday Message

Season’s greetings!

As 2023 comes to a close, we reflect upon all that has happened in the past year: the important struggles fought and momentous victories won, both by and for working people across this province.

For the labour movement, this year was marked by a strained relationship with the provincial government. This came to a head in October with the invocation of the notwithstanding clause. It shows the Sask Party will shamelessly trample the Charter - no doubt the next time will be to strip workers of their constitutional rights.

2023 also saw the launch of the SFL’s newest labour issues campaign, Speak Up Saskatchewan. So far the campaign has highlighted the failings of the provincial government and the crisis in public education. In 2024, you can expect to see Speak Up Saskatchewan advocating for strengthened public services, accessible \healthcare, good jobs, and vibrant communities as we approach critical provincial and municipal elections.

The year also saw the rise of labour activism and what some called the “hot labour summer.” Job action dominated the conversation across the country, and PSAC and CUPE strikes here at home brought unions and labour together, making our movement as strong as ever.

As the holidays approach, we must remind ourselves that this holiday season may be challenging for some workers.

We think about the workers in Saskatchewan who are facing uncertainty over the holidays - in particular, the UFCW members staring down a continued lockout at the Heritage Inns.

We think of the struggles of those who are looking for work, who cannot work, and who are denied work.

We think of all those working over the holidays to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and fueled.

Of course, this year was marked by not just struggles at home, but struggles across the globe. The horrors of armed conflict continue to bring destruction, bloodshed, and injustice to countless workers the world over, and we yearn for a lasting peace.

However you may celebrate this season, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour sends holiday wishes to you and yours.

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