Saskatchewan Federation of Labour The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) represents 100,000 working people across the province. We are the voice of workers, but strive to improve the lives of all people. We support the principles of social unionism and struggle for social and economic justice for all. en Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:40:11 -0800 Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:40:11 -0800 The Big Win: Beyond Saskatchewan Fri, 07 Feb 2025 00:00:00 -0800 Bea Bruske

Bea is the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) President and a member of UFCW from Winnipeg, Manitoba.

It’s been ten years since SFL led the effort to enshrine the right to strike as a constitutional right. The entire labour movement in Canada is grateful for this monumental win.

This is what solidarity looks like! The coming together of unions under the umbrella of the SFL shows what we can achieve when we support one another and work together!

This decision is a critically important win for the whole Canadian Labour movement. Defending the right to strike is the bedrock of labour movement. Without the ability to withdraw our labour, we are at the whims of the employer. This decision ensures that all workers can demand better and fight for a fair deal.

We can never take our rights for granted. In strike after strike, we see governments attempting to chip away at our rights and use whatever means at their disposal to give an upper hand to the employer.

But the same solidarity that brought us this win ten years ago will help us win even more victories for working people.


Rob Ashton

Rob is the President of International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) Canada, of which Saskatchewan’s GSU & RWDSU are affiliated.

A decade ago. unions across this country won a great victory led by the SFL and a great legal team, but this victory came with a gremlin locked inside of it – one that would not show its ugly face a for a few years.

But do we actually have the “right to strike”?

Let me take you to July 2023, when our longshore division went on strike for a fair and freely negotiated collective agreement. We managed to strike for thirteen days, but then then the federal government forced us back to work through section 107 of the federal labour code.

They folded like a cheap deck of cards to the cohort of usual suspects, complaining about the economy, or that goods were not able to get through. The federal government never thought that sending them back to work would embolden employers not to bargain with unions… or did they?

Then in 2024 we saw the federal government threaten - or steal away - workers’ rights to withhold their labour. This was apparent in the WestJet fight, and especially the 13-hour Teamsters rail strike (the day before, the Minister of Labour announced the feds would not be getting involved).

Then the feds stole away the right to strike with S.107 from ILWU Local 514 and CUPE 375 as well.

It’s a government that pats us on the head and says to us, “good little workers, we have pretended to give you what you want - now run along while we change the rules to f$%k you!”

They send the organized working class of this nation to binding arbitration, which is exactly what the employing class wants. Instead, it should be us fighting it out on the streets where it belongs! There should be zero use for ‘back-to-work orders’ and there should be zero use of scabs!

So back to the question: do we have a right to strike? My answer: yes, but - the government and the employing class will forever work against us. This is why voting (and who we vote for) matters!

We must put aside the many attempts at division used to split us apart: on gender, race, religion, or any other divide. We must stand united no matter how hard it feels. We must do this to survive against the employing class that wish to crush us!


The Big Win: Looking Back Thu, 23 Jan 2025 09:16:00 -0800

The SFL's Nathaniel Cole interviews five insiders from the legal battle that culminated in a historic victory on January 30, 2015. They reflect on the big win and its impact on history, workers, and the law.

  • Larry Hubich served President of the SFL for 16 years, retiring in 2018.
  • Lori Johb, President of the SFL since 2018, previously SFL Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President.
  • Craig Bavis, partner at Victory Square Law Office, part of the SFL legal team from 2008-2015.
  • Rick Engel, partner at Gerrand Rath Johnson, member the SFL legal team 2014-2015.
  • Kent Peterson, President of CUPE Saskatchewan, previously SFL Strategic Advisor.

First things first - how did this all start for you?

Kent: Brad Wall and his right wing, anti-worker Sask. Party won the 2007 election and immediately set about using the levers of power to punish workers and their unions. Bill 5 imposed the most onerous, restrictive essential services framework anywhere in Canada.

Larry: Bills 5 and 6. It became abundantly clear to me that Wall intended to do his utmost to strip workers of rights and to engage in a campaign of government-sponsored union busting unlike anything we'd experienced in my lifetime.

Lori: I was one of the vice presidents representing SEIU on the SFL the time this all began. We knew without a doubt the newly elected Saskatchewan Party government was going to war with labour. They gutted trade union laws and introduced essential service legislation that would seriously restrict collective bargaining and striking.

Craig: Victory Square Law Office was asked to provide a legal opinion to the SFL on this legislation. On May 15, 2008 we provided our conclusion, which led to the legal challenge.

Rick: My first major role was to represent SGEU at the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal, and then the SFL and affiliates at the Supreme Court of Canada, along with Craig Bavis and Peter Barnacle.

So the SFL is in a mulit-year legal battle, fighting for workers against the Sask. Party government. What was it like? How did it feel?

Larry: The SFL along with many affiliates and other unions concluded that we should prepare to launch a legal challenge. These decisions were not unanimous. It was a difficult and challenging time. There was no appetite to launch a concerted job action. We needed to either share the cost of a legal challenge, or put our tails between our legs and concede defeat.

Rick: I was very concerned that based upon the 1987 Labour Trilogy, the courts would interpret workers’ rights as something akin to the administrative law duty of fairness. But once I got formally involved, I started to formulate my own argument as to why the right to strike must be seen as a human right - the same way unequal treatment is a human rights issue in racial discrimination cases.

Lori: There was never a time during these years when I was totally certain in our position or chance of victory. Remember that in the beginning this was all about challenging Bill 5 - we didn’t yet have our sights set on enshrining the charter right to strike.

As SFL Treasurer, I had to ensure we were on a path that would not break the bank. One thing was clear, this was a risky but necessary fight. At the end of the day, to do nothing was not an option.

Kent: The outcome was never certain. It was a real life made-for-Netflix labour political thriller. While winning in the courts would be historic, so would losing. Precedents would be set either way, and that extreme risk meant it was not a unanimous decision for the SFL to proceed with a Charter challenge.

Craig: Parties rarely know if they have met the tipping point … the SFL case was a rare exception. Justice Ball asked how the workers could have an effective strike when 124 [of 125 RWDSU laundry] workers were designated essential and would not be able to withdraw their labour. The judge’s frown as he made a note of [the Health Region’s] position spoke volumes, and I realized that workers had reached the tipping point in persuading the judge.

January 30, 2015 - give me a play-by-play.

Kent: What I - and only a handful of people in the country knew - was that the Supreme Court of Canada had reached its decision on whether Canadian workers had a constitutional right to strike. We just didn't know if it was good or bad.

Craig: Given the decision in Mounted Police, I was cautiously optimistic about the decision. After a sleepless night, I walked to the SFL office and anxiously sat in the conference room waiting to hear the decision. Because it was a high profile case, the Court released the decision to the parties and media an hour prior to the general release.

Kent: I was new to the communications role with a deadly case of imposter syndrome, and I did not have a damn clue what to do. My boss, Larry Hubich - who shepherded this all the way from the initial debates to the Supreme Court - was out of the country. Who is the spokesperson?

"Here are the two versions of the news release" I said. "Which of these will we use?” Nobody had a sniff.

Lori: Craig received a copy of the decision. It wasn’t long and someone - I think it was Craig - screamed WE WON! The room erupted. Next, the press conference. Something I had never done before. I was terrified of being in front of a mic, now I'm in front of a bank of cameras and reporters from all over. It might have been the most anxious moment of my life.

Larry: I was on a winter vacation with my wife in Hawaii on that remarkable day. I participated in the meeting via Skype when then SFL Secretary-Treasurer, Lori Johb had assembled a group to meet in the PSAC Board Room.

Rick: My wife, Adrienne, and I were in the horn of Africa in January 2015. When we did get the results, I went into the bathroom at our resort and wept uncontrollably. Shortly after, [now Justice Norbeck] patched me in. It felt absolutely glorious to share this moment with my colleagues and union friends in Regina.

Lori: After the media circus died down, union leaders and our supporters all partied at the Copper Kettle, including a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Hubich. I remember popping a champagne bottle... let's just say it was a lot of fun.

Ten years have passed since 'the big win.' How has it impacted you? The labour movement?

Rick: The truth is that this case - and the work I did to prepare for it - changed my professional life. For one brief moment, we were at the centre of the universe! The SFL decision is one of the most important labour rights decisions in Canadian history.

Lori: We won the right to strike for all workers in Canada, and the SFL is now part of the new labour trilogy that will forever be part of legal arguments intended to protect workers and their rights. This is not a small thing!

Craig: As of January 16, 2025, SFL has been referred to in 592 decisions of Canadian courts, arbitrators, and labour relations tribunals. I have spoken about the case countless times and the decision comes up almost every week in my legal practice.

Larry: I believe that governments are now more reluctant to intervene in disputes, recognizing that their legislative interventions to bring disputes to an end will run afoul of the Charter and be struck down as unconstitutional.

Kent: We did what no group of workers had ever done before. That means something. It means something that it was won through the federation of labour.

Where there are barriers to exercising workers rights, then let's bulldoze those barriers on the wildcat picket lines, and in the streets, and at the ballot box. To make an omelette, you have to crack a few eggs. ||

Editor's note: This article is based on excerpts from a series of five interviews. Emphasis and copyediting for clarity.

The Big Win: A Timeline Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:44:00 -0800 Timeline


Brad Wall and Saskatchewan Party defeat the NDP and form government.

Immediately, the Sask. Party introduces Bill 5, the Public Services Essential Services Act (PSESA) and Bill 6, the Trade Union Amendment Act (TUAA). Both pieces of legislation are rooted in ideological opposition to organized labour.


Bills 5 & 6 become law.

Multiple unions and labour organizations file complaints to the International Labour Organization (ILO) against the Government of Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, led by President Larry Hubich, begins their Charter challenge against Bills 5 & 6 in the case SFL v. Saskatchewan.


The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour files an additional ILO complaint on Bills 5 & 6 against the Government of Saskatchewan.


The ILO finds Bills 5 & 6 in violation of international law commitments. Specifically, the Bills contravene ILO Convention No. 87: Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, an agreement that Canada, Saskatchewan, and all provinces have ratified.


Saskatchewan’s Court of Queen’s Bench rules that elements of Bill 5 are unconstitutional. The Saskatchewan Party government appeals the decision to the Court of Appeal.


The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal overturns the Court of Queen’s Bench ruling on Bill 5:
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the 1987 Labour Trilogy cases that freedom of association in Section 2(d) of the Charter doesn’t guarantee a right to strike. That line of authority has never been overturned by the Supreme Court. Therefore, until the SCC overturns itself, it is inappropriate for a lower court to issue a decision that is contrary to SCC precedent.

Urged on by this decision, The SFL and affiliates appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. The Supreme Court grants leave and litigation continues.


The SFL argues in front of the Supreme Court of Canada on the unconstitutionality of Bill 5, joined by intervenors from across the country.


The Supreme Court of Canada decision on SFL v. Saskatchewan deems Bill 5 unconstitutional. The decision overturns former precedent, and provides all Canadian workers the constitutional right to strike.

Holiday Message 2024 Wed, 04 Dec 2024 09:36:00 -0800

Image: RJ Patterson (courtesy of Canadian Assoc. of Labour Media)

Season's Greetings!

As we reach the end of 2024, it's a time to reflect on both the struggles and victories of working people, to celebrate with friends and family, and share in the bounties of our labour.

We send our solidarity to workers facing adversity this holiday season, including:

  • Striking postal workers, fighting for fairness and dignity at work.
  • UFCW members, locked out of the Heritage Inns for well over a year.
  • Those who are looking for work, who cannot work, and who are denied work.
  • Those working over the holidays to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and fueled.
  • The countless workers the globe over yearning for peace in the face of ongoing conflict, destruction, and bloodshed.

What we desire for ourselves, we wish for all. To this end, may we take our share in all the world's work and the world's struggles.

However you may celebrate this season, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour sends holiday wishes to you and yours.

Press Release: Throne Speech 2024 Mon, 25 Nov 2024 09:06:00 -0800

Throne Speech must focus on workers
Worker deaths need decisive action from gov’t: Johb

REGINA – Today marks the reopening of the Legislature following the slim re-election of Premier Moe, and with it a Speech from the Throne that will set the tone for the next four years.

"Premier Moe pledged for a different, better kind of politics from his government following the election," said recently re-elected SFL President Lori Johb. "Hopefully that includes a renewed focus on the interests of workers, instead of corporate shareholders and political insiders."

On the heels of several tragic workplace incidents in Saskatchewan - including at Evraz, CRS, and SaskPower - the SFL renewed its demand for strengthened workplace safety laws.

The death of a worker must be met with criminal charges, not just a pesky fine.

Lori Johb, President

“Without legislative action, workers are going to keep getting killed and injured at work," said Johb. "The death of a worker must be met with criminal charges, not just a pesky fine."

Johb noted that while the political winds may have realigned the Assembly, the priorities for workers remain the same:

  • Better jobs with decent paycheques
  • Quality public services
  • Accessible public health care
Johb Re-elected to Top Sask Union Post Fri, 25 Oct 2024 13:00:00 -0700

SFL President stays on; MacFarlane picked as new deputy

– This morning, Lori Johb was re-elected as the President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, rounding out the biennial convention of the provincial labour central at TCU Place.

Hundreds of delegates from dozens of unions balloted, and affirmed Johb’s direction of the Federation. Johb - a health care worker and member of SEIU-West – both highlighted her work to date and set out her vision moving forward in her opening address Wednesday.

The least the next government could do for cash-strapped, exhausted workers is to make sure everyone comes home safe from work every day.

Lori Johb

“Workers in every corner of this province are feeling the squeeze, and so many are burnt out,” said Johb.

With the provincial election top of mind, she had a call to action: “For pete’s sake - the least the next government could do for cash-strapped, exhausted workers is to make sure everyone comes home safe from work every day.”

Johb noted in her closing remarks that her work continues this afternoon, as she delivers a message of solidarity from the SFL to the teachers’ union.

Incumbent Secretary-Treasurer Kent Peterson did not reoffer for another term. Marilynne MacFarlane was elected on a contested ballot. A member of UFCW, Marilynne comes from a background in financial services, and currently serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of UFCW 1400.

The Convention closed Friday before noon. The next Convention is scheduled for fall 2026 in Regina.


Enough is Enough! SFL fighting for change this election Thu, 26 Sep 2024 10:40:00 -0700

Regular people deserve better. After seventeen long years, enough is enough.

The Sask Party was first elected to government in 2007. For seventeen long years, Saskatchewan has been governed by Brad Wall & Scott Moe. Over that time, the Sask. Party has favoured friends & corporate interests instead of workers. Lest we forget things like:

• Essential services legislation

• Axing the film tax credit

• Selling off STC & public liquor stores

• Ending card check certification

• The lowest minimum wage in Canada

• Using the notwithstanding clause to suspend worker & student Charter rights.

That’s why – with political winds of change blowing – your SFL has been laser focused on defeating Scott Moe and the Sask Party this October. Over the last year, Speak Up Saskatchewan has connected us with tens of thousands of regular people, all ready for change.

Your SFL has been laser focused on defeating Scott Moe and the Sask Party this October.

Our Labour For Labour initiative launched in August, which collaborated with local campaigns best suited to defeat Sask. Party candidates. As part of that, we hope you cans support one or more of a whopping twenty-five pro-labour union members running against the Sask. Party this October.

Once the election is called, the SFL will be all over Saskatchewan, working in collaboration with those unions with boots on the ground to defeat the Scott Moe and the Sask Party. Check our ever-expanding listing of worker canvasses happening throughout October.

Regular people deserve better. After seventeen long years, enough is enough.

Johb: Liberal Gov't Subverts Right to Strike Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:53:00 -0700

In spite of a labour dispute about serious rail worker safety concerns, the federal labour minister unilaterally and gutlessly ordered Teamsters to return to work on Saturday. This is dangerous.

The Liberals have once again double-crossed us. With the ink barely dry on federal anti-scab legislation, they've overrode a worker's right to withhold labour with the stroke of a pen.

Back-to-work legislation - while offensive to workers - at least requires debate and a vote in Parliament.

This is bad news for every worker. Saskatchewan's labour movement fiercely defends the hard-fought constitutional Right to Strike we won a decade ago.

- Lori Johb

Union coalition takes action in notwithstanding clause lawsuit Mon, 15 Jul 2024 08:09:00 -0700

REGINA – Today, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) announced their joint application to intervene in the Court of Appeal case concerning Bill 137: The Education Amendment Act, 2023. The parties’ interest in the appeal responds to the provincial government’s application of the notwithstanding clause.

In October 2023, Bill 137 was introduced, debated, and passed into law in a matter of days, preemptively invoking the notwithstanding clause. Not only does this insulate the Bill from being struck down by the courts, the three parties are concerned that the legislation:

  • Inflicts harm on youth.
  • Compels teachers and education workers to inflict said harm.
  • Sets a precedent to override workers’ Charter rights into the future.

The Court of Appeal will determine intervenors for this appeal later this month. The appeal is scheduled to be heard September 23, 2024.

We feel that suspending Charter rights – regardless of the sector of workers or subset of children – needs to be considered in the court of law. Students and workers alike deserve to know how this law could impact them now and into the future.

Lori Johb, SFL President

I wish I didn’t have to say this, but CUPE has filed to intervene in the Court of Appeal case regarding Bill 137 — to help protect the Charter rights of Saskatchewan children and workers. It shouldn’t have to come to this, but unfortunately here we are.

Kent Peterson, CUPE Saskatchewan President

We support the advocacy of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation on an issue that deeply affects our profession. Saskatchewan teachers are committed to ensuring safe and welcoming learning environments. Teachers must be able to exercise professional judgement and autonomy in supporting students and working with parents to help youth appropriately navigate challenges in their lives.”

Samantha Becotte, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) President

Media enquires:
Nathaniel Cole

Response to Gov't Min Wage Announcement Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700

Statement from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour on the minimum wage:

Despite self-applauding government press releases, working people are falling behind due to Scott Moe. On October 1st, the Saskatchewan minimum wage will remain the lowest wage in Canada, thanks to Scott Moe.

Further, since Scott Moe became premier, the average wage (adjusted for inflation) has decreased by nearly 6 per cent. Over that same time, real wages have increased by 18 per cent in Manitoba.


Young worker poisoning demands action Wed, 08 May 2024 10:20:00 -0700

Statement from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour:

Occupational health & safety laws are paramount to prevent injury and death on the job. As such, the SFL is gravely concerned by the provincial government's response to a October 2023 workplace incident in Canora, where a 14 year-old worker suffered severe carbon monoxide poisoning.

This incident could have cost this young worker his life.

Without delay, the Government of Saskatchewan must initiate a thorough investigation, pursue both OHS and 'Westray' criminal charges, and legislate hefty consequences for severe workplace incidents.

Wil's suffering must not be in vain. An injury to one is an injury to all.

Pre-budget priorities for workers Tue, 19 Mar 2024 07:42:00 -0700

Ahead of Wednesday’s provincial budget – the de facto Sask. Party platform for the fall election – the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) has released three priorities for workers:

  1. Fix wait times.
  2. End education chaos.
  3. Raise wages.

"It's simple: good schools, good hospitals, and good wages are good for workers and good for the economy," said President Lori Johb. She notes that recent events and evidence really drive home that Scott Moe and the Sask. Party are not focused on what matters to working people.

"It's simple: good schools, good hospitals, and good wages are good for workers and good for the economy"

Lori Johb

Johb - who represents nearly 100,000 workers from over thirty private and public sector unions - further highlights the three priorities for workers this budget:

On fixing wait times
Whether it's a doctor's office, an emergency room, surgery & diagnostics, or elder care, skyrocketing wait times are both hurting people and hurting the economy. Scott Moe has pushed healthcare workers out of the profession, and scared more from even entering the profession altogether.

On ending education chaos
Securing a deal with teachers will improve education and build a skilled workforce for the future. Instead of pinky-promising class size commitments, Scott Moe needs to either get back to the bargaining table or agree to binding arbitration.

On raising wages
With the lowest minimum wage in the country, Saskatchewan workers are struggling to make ends meet, never mind start a family or buy a home. Scott Moe could jump-start the economy with wages that keep up with inflation and prevent young people from packing up for Alberta or Ontario.

Solidarity with Teachers Thu, 11 Jan 2024 08:45:00 -0800

Statement from President Johb on the STF announcement

The SFL is unwavering in our support of the planned job action by Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation.

The provincial government's disdain of both public education and collective bargaining is no secret. Our member unions representing thousands of education workers can attest to the challenges raised by teachers.

If you care about decent public education, I urge you to support teachers at this critical moment.


2023 Holiday Message Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:06:00 -0800

Season’s greetings!

As 2023 comes to a close, we reflect upon all that has happened in the past year: the important struggles fought and momentous victories won, both by and for working people across this province.

For the labour movement, this year was marked by a strained relationship with the provincial government. This came to a head in October with the invocation of the notwithstanding clause. It shows the Sask Party will shamelessly trample the Charter - no doubt the next time will be to strip workers of their constitutional rights.

2023 also saw the launch of the SFL’s newest labour issues campaign, Speak Up Saskatchewan. So far the campaign has highlighted the failings of the provincial government and the crisis in public education. In 2024, you can expect to see Speak Up Saskatchewan advocating for strengthened public services, accessible \healthcare, good jobs, and vibrant communities as we approach critical provincial and municipal elections.

The year also saw the rise of labour activism and what some called the “hot labour summer.” Job action dominated the conversation across the country, and PSAC and CUPE strikes here at home brought unions and labour together, making our movement as strong as ever.

As the holidays approach, we must remind ourselves that this holiday season may be challenging for some workers.

We think about the workers in Saskatchewan who are facing uncertainty over the holidays - in particular, the UFCW members staring down a continued lockout at the Heritage Inns.

We think of the struggles of those who are looking for work, who cannot work, and who are denied work.

We think of all those working over the holidays to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and fueled.

Of course, this year was marked by not just struggles at home, but struggles across the globe. The horrors of armed conflict continue to bring destruction, bloodshed, and injustice to countless workers the world over, and we yearn for a lasting peace.

However you may celebrate this season, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour sends holiday wishes to you and yours.

Notwithstanding clause Bill introduced Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:12:00 -0700 Statement from SFL Secretary-Treasurer Kent Peterson:

Today, Scott Moe takes another step towards suspending Charter rights by introducing his unprecedented Notwithstanding Clause law.

Scott Moe using the Notwithstanding Clause to suspend Charter rights is dangerous and desperate. It is a threat to all worker rights, and all Charter rights.

Scott Moe has lost public support on this issue, and has sparked a broad coalition of people to fight back against his heavy-handed overreaction. Saskatchewan people will do whatever it takes to stop him.

Scott Moe has no idea what he started.


Polling shows strong support for P.A. city workers Wed, 20 Sep 2023 11:01:00 -0700

Recent public polling conducted in Prince Albert shows strong support for Prince Albert city workers, as the job action by CUPE 882 inside workers continues into its second week.

To the question, ‘do you agree or disagree that city workers in Prince Albert should get wage increases that reflects the growing cost of living?’ a full 71% agree, including fully half of respondents who strongly agree (50.2%).

City council recently gave themselves raises that significantly exceed the rate of inflation, yet are demanding that city workers make less. When asked, over three-quarters of respondents think this is somewhat unfair (16.6%) or very unfair (60.6%).

“I have walked the picket line with these dedicated workers,” said President Johb. “I’m not surprised by this polling at all. This should be a serious wake-up call for city council.”

These are results from an automated phone survey (IVR) fielded to landline and cell (RDD) numbers from September 12th to 13th, 2023, conducted by Strategic Communications, and resulting in a sample size of 638 adult Prince Albert residents. The data is statistically weighted to match the composition of Prince Albert by nested gender and age as per most recently available Census data. The margin of error for a sample of this size is +/- 3.8%, 19 times out of 20.

Celebrating Pride & Fighting Hate Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:03:00 -0700

A statement of solidarity from SFL President Lori Johb:

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) is firmly committed to equity and justice. This pride month, we stand and march together in solidarity for 2SLGBTQIA+ safety and inclusion.

Queer and trans issues are union issues. Everywhere we look, transphobia and homophobia are on the rise. Rearing its ugly head at work, online, and across society. Infiltrating school boards, city councils, and political parties. We are obliged to fight back against this despicable hate.

Meanwhile, the provincial government seems disinterested in stopping the harmful rise of transphobia and homophobia in Saskatchewan. The continued provincial funding to private schools that espouse anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hatred and violence is particularly distressing.

The provincial government seems disinterested in stopping the harmful rise of transphobia and homophobia in Saskatchewan.

-President Lori Johb

I am very proud of the queer leadership at the Federation in senior elected and staff roles. However, far too many queer and trans people are still not represented in leadership within the labour movement and in our communities. I commit to the continued work necessary to ensure these spaces are safe and supportive for all 2SLGBTQIA+ workers.

I will not stand idly by as hate-filled extremists erode the hard-fought progress of queer and trans Saskatchewanians. The time to act is now.


Spring session disastrous for working people Thu, 18 May 2023 10:26:00 -0700

REGINA – Today, Premier Scott Moe and the Sask. Party government closed yet another disastrous session of the Legislative Assembly.

“After ten weeks and hundreds of hours of debate in the Legislature, Scott Moe once again did absolutely nothing to help working people get ahead,” said SFL President Lori Johb. “No wage increases. No utility rollbacks. No jobs plan. No relief for health and education workers.”

Saskatchewan people are struggling more to make ends meet than anywhere else in Canada, all while the government stashes away a billion-dollar surplus. Instead of helping the people they are elected to serve, the Sask. Party are distracted by their own pet projects and corporate interests.

“No wage increases. No utility rollbacks. No jobs plan. No relief for health and education workers."

Lori Johb

Through the disappointing spring session, Johb noted that the increasing solidarity among working people keeps her optimistic. Her personal highlight was participating in the largest demonstration in Saskatchewan in over a decade – the ‘Make Noise for Education’ rally organized by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation.

Johb was also pleased to see how the Opposition NDP held the Sask. Party’s feet to the fire. “I won’t forget how Carla Beck stood her ground when defending Steelworkers in the Legislature – even if it meant getting kicked out of the chamber.”

“The spring session will not be remembered for what was achieved in the Legislature, but how Scott Moe’s incompetence brought working people together,” said Johb.

Scott Moe’s budget does nothing to give workers a real raise Wed, 22 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700

REGINA – Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government missed the opportunity to use today’s provincial budget to finally give Saskatchewan workers a real raise.

“Saskatchewan workers are being overwhelmed by a cost-of-living crisis,” said Lori Johb, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), “but Scott Moe chose not to give workers a real raise, despite raking in billions of extra dollars due to high oil prices,” she added.

To further put money in the pockets of all Saskatchewan workers, Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government could have rolled back their unfair utility rate hikes and substantially increased the minimum wage.

“Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government continue to make life more expensive by hiking utility rates, increasing fees and taxes, and allowing corporates to gouge Saskatchewan people,” said Johb. “I am disappointed that Scott Moe did not use the budget to right those wrongs.”.

In addition to not giving Saskatchewan workers a real raise, Scott Moe’s budget did not:

  • Roll back unfair utility rate hikes;
  • Increase the minimum wage;
  • Stop all forms of privatization and sell-offs;
  • Fix the healthcare crisis, or;
  • Invest more into safe workplaces and eliminating workplace violence.

“Scott Moe’s provincial budget misses the mark – it does not invest in the workers that power our economy and provide our public services,” said Johb. “Scott Moe has been directed by his rich friends for far too long. By listening to Alberta corporations, Scott Moe has ignored Saskatchewan workers and lost his way.”

Scott Moe must use upcoming budget to give workers a real raise Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700

REGINA – Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government have the opportunity to use this week’s provincial budget to finally give Saskatchewan workers a real raise.

“The math is simple: Scott Moe’s government has billions of extra dollars due to high oil prices, while workers are overwhelmed by a generational cost-of-living crisis,” said Lori Johb, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), “in the budget, Scott Moe must give workers a real raise,” she added.

To further put money in the pockets of all Saskatchewan workers, Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government should immediately roll back their unfair utility rate hikes and substantially increase the minimum wage.

“Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government have made life more expensive by hiking utility rates, increasing fees and taxes, and allowing corporates to gouge Saskatchewan people,” said Johb, “I am hopeful that Scott Moe will realize his choices have been bad for the workers of this province, and use the budget as an opportunity to right those wrongs,” she added.

In addition to giving Saskatchewan workers a real raise, Scott Moe should use the budget to:

  • Roll back unfair utility rate hikes;
  • Increase the minimum wage;
  • Stop all forms of privatization and sell-offs;
  • Fix the healthcare crisis, and;
  • Invest more into safe workplaces and eliminating workplace violence.

“Scott Moe has been directed by his rich friends for far too long. By listening to Alberta corporations, Scott Moe has ignored Saskatchewan workers and lost his way,” said Johb, “the upcoming provincial budget is Scott Moe’s chance to see the error of his ways, and invest in the workers that power our economy and provide our public services,” she added.
