Saskatchewan Federation of Labour The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) represents 100,000 working people across the province. We are the voice of workers, but strive to improve the lives of all people. We support the principles of social unionism and struggle for social and economic justice for all. en Sun, 08 Sep 2024 08:36:41 -0700 Sun, 08 Sep 2024 08:36:41 -0700 Johb: Liberal Gov't Subverts Right to Strike Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:53:00 -0700

In spite of a labour dispute about serious rail worker safety concerns, the federal labour minister unilaterally and gutlessly ordered Teamsters to return to work on Saturday. This is dangerous.

The Liberals have once again double-crossed us. With the ink barely dry on federal anti-scab legislation, they've overrode a worker's right to withhold labour with the stroke of a pen.

Back-to-work legislation - while offensive to workers - at least requires debate and a vote in Parliament.

This is bad news for every worker. Saskatchewan's labour movement fiercely defends the hard-fought constitutional Right to Strike we won a decade ago.

- Lori Johb

Union coalition takes action in notwithstanding clause lawsuit Mon, 15 Jul 2024 08:09:00 -0700

REGINA – Today, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) announced their joint application to intervene in the Court of Appeal case concerning Bill 137: The Education Amendment Act, 2023. The parties’ interest in the appeal responds to the provincial government’s application of the notwithstanding clause.

In October 2023, Bill 137 was introduced, debated, and passed into law in a matter of days, preemptively invoking the notwithstanding clause. Not only does this insulate the Bill from being struck down by the courts, the three parties are concerned that the legislation:

  • Inflicts harm on youth.
  • Compels teachers and education workers to inflict said harm.
  • Sets a precedent to override workers’ Charter rights into the future.

The Court of Appeal will determine intervenors for this appeal later this month. The appeal is scheduled to be heard September 23, 2024.

We feel that suspending Charter rights – regardless of the sector of workers or subset of children – needs to be considered in the court of law. Students and workers alike deserve to know how this law could impact them now and into the future.

Lori Johb, SFL President

I wish I didn’t have to say this, but CUPE has filed to intervene in the Court of Appeal case regarding Bill 137 — to help protect the Charter rights of Saskatchewan children and workers. It shouldn’t have to come to this, but unfortunately here we are.

Kent Peterson, CUPE Saskatchewan President

We support the advocacy of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation on an issue that deeply affects our profession. Saskatchewan teachers are committed to ensuring safe and welcoming learning environments. Teachers must be able to exercise professional judgement and autonomy in supporting students and working with parents to help youth appropriately navigate challenges in their lives.”

Samantha Becotte, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) President

Media enquires:
Nathaniel Cole

Response to Gov't Min Wage Announcement Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 -0700

Statement from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour on the minimum wage:

Despite self-applauding government press releases, working people are falling behind due to Scott Moe. On October 1st, the Saskatchewan minimum wage will remain the lowest wage in Canada, thanks to Scott Moe.

Further, since Scott Moe became premier, the average wage (adjusted for inflation) has decreased by nearly 6 per cent. Over that same time, real wages have increased by 18 per cent in Manitoba.


Young worker poisoning demands action Wed, 08 May 2024 10:20:00 -0700

Statement from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour:

Occupational health & safety laws are paramount to prevent injury and death on the job. As such, the SFL is gravely concerned by the provincial government's response to a October 2023 workplace incident in Canora, where a 14 year-old worker suffered severe carbon monoxide poisoning.

This incident could have cost this young worker his life.

Without delay, the Government of Saskatchewan must initiate a thorough investigation, pursue both OHS and 'Westray' criminal charges, and legislate hefty consequences for severe workplace incidents.

Wil's suffering must not be in vain. An injury to one is an injury to all.

Pre-budget priorities for workers Tue, 19 Mar 2024 07:42:00 -0700

Ahead of Wednesday’s provincial budget – the de facto Sask. Party platform for the fall election – the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) has released three priorities for workers:

  1. Fix wait times.
  2. End education chaos.
  3. Raise wages.

"It's simple: good schools, good hospitals, and good wages are good for workers and good for the economy," said President Lori Johb. She notes that recent events and evidence really drive home that Scott Moe and the Sask. Party are not focused on what matters to working people.

"It's simple: good schools, good hospitals, and good wages are good for workers and good for the economy"

Lori Johb

Johb - who represents nearly 100,000 workers from over thirty private and public sector unions - further highlights the three priorities for workers this budget:

On fixing wait times
Whether it's a doctor's office, an emergency room, surgery & diagnostics, or elder care, skyrocketing wait times are both hurting people and hurting the economy. Scott Moe has pushed healthcare workers out of the profession, and scared more from even entering the profession altogether.

On ending education chaos
Securing a deal with teachers will improve education and build a skilled workforce for the future. Instead of pinky-promising class size commitments, Scott Moe needs to either get back to the bargaining table or agree to binding arbitration.

On raising wages
With the lowest minimum wage in the country, Saskatchewan workers are struggling to make ends meet, never mind start a family or buy a home. Scott Moe could jump-start the economy with wages that keep up with inflation and prevent young people from packing up for Alberta or Ontario.

Solidarity with Teachers Thu, 11 Jan 2024 08:45:00 -0800

Statement from President Johb on the STF announcement

The SFL is unwavering in our support of the planned job action by Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation.

The provincial government's disdain of both public education and collective bargaining is no secret. Our member unions representing thousands of education workers can attest to the challenges raised by teachers.

If you care about decent public education, I urge you to support teachers at this critical moment.


2023 Holiday Message Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:06:00 -0800

Season’s greetings!

As 2023 comes to a close, we reflect upon all that has happened in the past year: the important struggles fought and momentous victories won, both by and for working people across this province.

For the labour movement, this year was marked by a strained relationship with the provincial government. This came to a head in October with the invocation of the notwithstanding clause. It shows the Sask Party will shamelessly trample the Charter - no doubt the next time will be to strip workers of their constitutional rights.

2023 also saw the launch of the SFL’s newest labour issues campaign, Speak Up Saskatchewan. So far the campaign has highlighted the failings of the provincial government and the crisis in public education. In 2024, you can expect to see Speak Up Saskatchewan advocating for strengthened public services, accessible \healthcare, good jobs, and vibrant communities as we approach critical provincial and municipal elections.

The year also saw the rise of labour activism and what some called the “hot labour summer.” Job action dominated the conversation across the country, and PSAC and CUPE strikes here at home brought unions and labour together, making our movement as strong as ever.

As the holidays approach, we must remind ourselves that this holiday season may be challenging for some workers.

We think about the workers in Saskatchewan who are facing uncertainty over the holidays - in particular, the UFCW members staring down a continued lockout at the Heritage Inns.

We think of the struggles of those who are looking for work, who cannot work, and who are denied work.

We think of all those working over the holidays to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and fueled.

Of course, this year was marked by not just struggles at home, but struggles across the globe. The horrors of armed conflict continue to bring destruction, bloodshed, and injustice to countless workers the world over, and we yearn for a lasting peace.

However you may celebrate this season, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour sends holiday wishes to you and yours.

Notwithstanding clause Bill introduced Thu, 12 Oct 2023 13:12:00 -0700 Statement from SFL Secretary-Treasurer Kent Peterson:

Today, Scott Moe takes another step towards suspending Charter rights by introducing his unprecedented Notwithstanding Clause law.

Scott Moe using the Notwithstanding Clause to suspend Charter rights is dangerous and desperate. It is a threat to all worker rights, and all Charter rights.

Scott Moe has lost public support on this issue, and has sparked a broad coalition of people to fight back against his heavy-handed overreaction. Saskatchewan people will do whatever it takes to stop him.

Scott Moe has no idea what he started.


Polling shows strong support for P.A. city workers Wed, 20 Sep 2023 11:01:00 -0700

Recent public polling conducted in Prince Albert shows strong support for Prince Albert city workers, as the job action by CUPE 882 inside workers continues into its second week.

To the question, ‘do you agree or disagree that city workers in Prince Albert should get wage increases that reflects the growing cost of living?’ a full 71% agree, including fully half of respondents who strongly agree (50.2%).

City council recently gave themselves raises that significantly exceed the rate of inflation, yet are demanding that city workers make less. When asked, over three-quarters of respondents think this is somewhat unfair (16.6%) or very unfair (60.6%).

“I have walked the picket line with these dedicated workers,” said President Johb. “I’m not surprised by this polling at all. This should be a serious wake-up call for city council.”

These are results from an automated phone survey (IVR) fielded to landline and cell (RDD) numbers from September 12th to 13th, 2023, conducted by Strategic Communications, and resulting in a sample size of 638 adult Prince Albert residents. The data is statistically weighted to match the composition of Prince Albert by nested gender and age as per most recently available Census data. The margin of error for a sample of this size is +/- 3.8%, 19 times out of 20.

Celebrating Pride & Fighting Hate Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:03:00 -0700

A statement of solidarity from SFL President Lori Johb:

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) is firmly committed to equity and justice. This pride month, we stand and march together in solidarity for 2SLGBTQIA+ safety and inclusion.

Queer and trans issues are union issues. Everywhere we look, transphobia and homophobia are on the rise. Rearing its ugly head at work, online, and across society. Infiltrating school boards, city councils, and political parties. We are obliged to fight back against this despicable hate.

Meanwhile, the provincial government seems disinterested in stopping the harmful rise of transphobia and homophobia in Saskatchewan. The continued provincial funding to private schools that espouse anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hatred and violence is particularly distressing.

The provincial government seems disinterested in stopping the harmful rise of transphobia and homophobia in Saskatchewan.

-President Lori Johb

I am very proud of the queer leadership at the Federation in senior elected and staff roles. However, far too many queer and trans people are still not represented in leadership within the labour movement and in our communities. I commit to the continued work necessary to ensure these spaces are safe and supportive for all 2SLGBTQIA+ workers.

I will not stand idly by as hate-filled extremists erode the hard-fought progress of queer and trans Saskatchewanians. The time to act is now.


Spring session disastrous for working people Thu, 18 May 2023 10:26:00 -0700

REGINA – Today, Premier Scott Moe and the Sask. Party government closed yet another disastrous session of the Legislative Assembly.

“After ten weeks and hundreds of hours of debate in the Legislature, Scott Moe once again did absolutely nothing to help working people get ahead,” said SFL President Lori Johb. “No wage increases. No utility rollbacks. No jobs plan. No relief for health and education workers.”

Saskatchewan people are struggling more to make ends meet than anywhere else in Canada, all while the government stashes away a billion-dollar surplus. Instead of helping the people they are elected to serve, the Sask. Party are distracted by their own pet projects and corporate interests.

“No wage increases. No utility rollbacks. No jobs plan. No relief for health and education workers."

Lori Johb

Through the disappointing spring session, Johb noted that the increasing solidarity among working people keeps her optimistic. Her personal highlight was participating in the largest demonstration in Saskatchewan in over a decade – the ‘Make Noise for Education’ rally organized by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation.

Johb was also pleased to see how the Opposition NDP held the Sask. Party’s feet to the fire. “I won’t forget how Carla Beck stood her ground when defending Steelworkers in the Legislature – even if it meant getting kicked out of the chamber.”

“The spring session will not be remembered for what was achieved in the Legislature, but how Scott Moe’s incompetence brought working people together,” said Johb.

Scott Moe’s budget does nothing to give workers a real raise Wed, 22 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700

REGINA – Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government missed the opportunity to use today’s provincial budget to finally give Saskatchewan workers a real raise.

“Saskatchewan workers are being overwhelmed by a cost-of-living crisis,” said Lori Johb, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), “but Scott Moe chose not to give workers a real raise, despite raking in billions of extra dollars due to high oil prices,” she added.

To further put money in the pockets of all Saskatchewan workers, Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government could have rolled back their unfair utility rate hikes and substantially increased the minimum wage.

“Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government continue to make life more expensive by hiking utility rates, increasing fees and taxes, and allowing corporates to gouge Saskatchewan people,” said Johb. “I am disappointed that Scott Moe did not use the budget to right those wrongs.”.

In addition to not giving Saskatchewan workers a real raise, Scott Moe’s budget did not:

  • Roll back unfair utility rate hikes;
  • Increase the minimum wage;
  • Stop all forms of privatization and sell-offs;
  • Fix the healthcare crisis, or;
  • Invest more into safe workplaces and eliminating workplace violence.

“Scott Moe’s provincial budget misses the mark – it does not invest in the workers that power our economy and provide our public services,” said Johb. “Scott Moe has been directed by his rich friends for far too long. By listening to Alberta corporations, Scott Moe has ignored Saskatchewan workers and lost his way.”

Scott Moe must use upcoming budget to give workers a real raise Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0700

REGINA – Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government have the opportunity to use this week’s provincial budget to finally give Saskatchewan workers a real raise.

“The math is simple: Scott Moe’s government has billions of extra dollars due to high oil prices, while workers are overwhelmed by a generational cost-of-living crisis,” said Lori Johb, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), “in the budget, Scott Moe must give workers a real raise,” she added.

To further put money in the pockets of all Saskatchewan workers, Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government should immediately roll back their unfair utility rate hikes and substantially increase the minimum wage.

“Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government have made life more expensive by hiking utility rates, increasing fees and taxes, and allowing corporates to gouge Saskatchewan people,” said Johb, “I am hopeful that Scott Moe will realize his choices have been bad for the workers of this province, and use the budget as an opportunity to right those wrongs,” she added.

In addition to giving Saskatchewan workers a real raise, Scott Moe should use the budget to:

  • Roll back unfair utility rate hikes;
  • Increase the minimum wage;
  • Stop all forms of privatization and sell-offs;
  • Fix the healthcare crisis, and;
  • Invest more into safe workplaces and eliminating workplace violence.

“Scott Moe has been directed by his rich friends for far too long. By listening to Alberta corporations, Scott Moe has ignored Saskatchewan workers and lost his way,” said Johb, “the upcoming provincial budget is Scott Moe’s chance to see the error of his ways, and invest in the workers that power our economy and provide our public services,” she added.

SFL marks National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women Tue, 06 Dec 2022 06:35:00 -0800

Today, December 6th, is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) recognizes this important day, and remembers the École Polytechnique shooting when 14 young women lost their lives.

Every December 6th since that tragic day in 1989 where these women were killed in an act of misogyny and hatred just because they were women, Canadians come together both to remember those who were lost and to pledge action to end violence against women.

“Every year, this day serves as a solemn reminder of the reality that too many women and girls face violence simply because of their gender,” said SFL President Lori Johb. “Violence against women and girls is an issue that belongs to everyone, and we must continue to work to end gender-based violence.”

Johb noted that Saskatchewan faces some of the highest rates of interpersonal violence in the country, and that much more needs to be done to end violence against women and girls in the province.

“It’s unacceptable, and heart-breaking that we continue to have such high rates of violence against women in this province,” Johb said. “While we have made some progress in terms of supports, like paid time off for survivors and those fleeing abusive and violent situations, we must continue to do everything we can to end violence against women- through education, legislation, and making sure that there are investments and supports in place for those fleeing from unsafe or violent situations.”

On behalf of its 100,000 members the SFL will maintain its work to end violence against women with a continued focus on how domestic violence affects women in the workplace.

“Saskatchewan’s labour movement will continue to push the government for more supports, and continue our work partnering with community groups to ensure that survivors of domestic violence has access to the supports they need,” Johb said.

Members of the public are invited to attend a candle light vigil to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women tonight, December 6, in Regina at 5:00 P.M. at St. Paul’s Cathedral Hall, 1861 McIntyre Street.

$1 billion surplus shows Sask. Party leaving workers behind Tue, 29 Nov 2022 09:55:00 -0800

Today’s announcement that the province remains on track to report a surplus of over $1 billion while still doing nothing to address inflation and the affordability crisis shows that the Sask. Party doesn’t care about the struggle workers and their families are facing to make ends meet.

“This is a deliberate choice by the Sask. Party government to hoard money to make themselves look good instead of using this opportunity to help working people and families, and invest in health care, education and public services,” said SFL President Lori Johb. “Instead, the Sask. Party chose to move forward with tax and utility hikes while giving everyone a one-time payment that doesn’t even cover the cost of inflation and that many still have yet to receive despite the announcement being made almost four months ago.”

The SFL continues to call on the government to provide workers with relief from inflation by immediately raising the minimum wage to $15, scrapping PST and utility rate hikes, and providing relief from high fuel prices.

“These are all actions that the Sask. Party could take immediately to provide long term relief and make things easier for working people in the province,” Johb said. “The Sask. Party hasn’t been able to budget for a surplus in years. They’ve spent a decade using their deficits and poor financial planning as an excuse to hike taxes, lower wages, privatize public services and make deep cuts to health care and education.

“Now that there is money to invest, they’re choosing not to and instead are still moving forward with their usual tax hikes and cuts while leaving workers behind to face a once-in-a-generation inflation crisis on their own. It’s shameful, and it just goes to show that the Sask. Party’s priorities are all about making themselves look good and not about working people.”

Johb also said that today’s surplus announcement is also further proof that the Sask. Party’s plan to move forward with privatizing money-making public liquor stores and firing 400 workers across the province doesn’t make any sense.

“How can the Sask. Party possibly justify closing these stores and firing hundreds of dedicated, hard-working public servants while at the same time reporting that the province is facing a surplus? It makes no sense, and just goes to show that the Sask. Party cares more about moving forward with their agenda of privatization instead of actually providing good public services to the people of Saskatchewan.”

SFL stands in solidarity with SGEU members: Save our public liquor stores Mon, 28 Nov 2022 08:28:00 -0800

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour and Saskatchewan’s labour movement stands in solidarity with SGEU members and is firmly against the Saskatchewan government’s decision to privatize the remaining public liquor stores in the province.

The 400 SGEU members who work in Saskatchewan’s public liquor stores across the province are professional and knowledgeable, and many have dedicated their careers to working in the public service at these stores. The stores provide living wages and benefits which SGEU members in turn use to support their families and the communities they live in.

Saskatchewan’s public liquor stores are a winning business model for the province. They provide good jobs and generate profit that gets put back into supporting our public services. Despite years of being undermined by the Sask. Party government who refused to let them modernize stores to compete with the private sector, Saskatchewan’s public liquor stores have held their own and remained profitable. The revenue from public liquor stores in turn has been used to pave our highways and invest in healthcare and education.

By privatizing our public liquor stores, the Sask. Party government is turning that income and those profits over to the private sector and large corporations who will take profits out of province to benefit their shareholders instead of the people of Saskatchewan. This is a decision made based on a misguided ideology from a government that is convinced that the private sector can deliver better services- something that time and time again has proven not to be the case.

The proposed privatization of our public liquor stores is just the latest attempt by the Sask. Party to sell off public services that belong to the people of Saskatchewan. In 2017, when the Sask. Party passed legislation that would allow them to privatize our crown corporations, Saskatchewan’s labour movement fought back, and won when the legislation was eventually repealed. Now, we are fighting to save our public liquor stores. These stores belong to us, the people of Saskatchewan, and we urge everyone to take action. Visit and send a letter to Minister Lori Carr and volunteer with the Save Our Stores campaign.

Together, we can stop privatization and save our stores.

Doug Ford’s legislation should be a notwithstanding concern for Saskatchewan workers Fri, 25 Nov 2022 11:55:00 -0800

Ontario’s Conservative government led by Premier Doug Ford set a dangerous precendent for the future of collective bargaining and worker rights in November, when they used the notwithstanding clause in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to strip away the rights of 50,000 education workers and impose a five year contract instead of negotiating freely and fairly through collective bargaining.

The legislation was ultimately repealed after swift backlash from unions, workers and the public, workers across Canada should be concerned about the precedent this may set for other governments across the country. While the legislation failed in Ontario, that doesn’t mean that other governments like the Sask. Party won’t try it here.

What happened in Ontario can be confusing, so we’ve tried our best to cut through the legal jargon and explain what happened, and why workers should be concerned.

What is the “Notwithstanding Clause” anyway?

The notwithstanding clause — or Section 33 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms — gives provincial legislatures the ability, through the passage of a law, to override certain portions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for a five-year term. At the time, it was intended that the notwithstanding clause would be used only in rare occasions and for non-controversial issues.

Has it ever been used before?

Yes. The notwithstanding clause has been used outside of the province of Quebec three times, including once in Saskatchewan, when the government used it to protect back-to-work legislation in the 1980s. Doug Ford’s legislation in Ontario was the first time that the notwithstanding clause has been used in order to impose a contract on a group of workers.

What exactly happened with CUPE education workers in Ontario?

CUPE education workers in Ontario were in negotiations with the provincial government and were focused on obtaining higher wages for their workers. Education workers in Ontario on average make $39,000 per year, which is not enough to meet the high cost of living in many parts of the province, especially in Toronto.

After the provincial government refused to move on wages, CUPE workers voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike mandate. The Doug Ford government in Ontario responded by invoking the notwithstanding clause and imposing a five year contract on the workers, and steep fines for both the union and workers if they were deemed to have participated in “illegal” strike activity.

The legislation was deemed unjust and an overreach and there was swift backlash by unions, workers and the public. After a weekend of rallies across the province, the Doug Ford government agreed to repeal the legislation and the dismantling of workers’ charter rights. CUPE and the provincial government are still negotiating, with CUPE education workers facing a strong chance of going on strike in the near future.

What are a workers’ protected Charter rights?

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes a freedom of association, which includes the right to join a union and has been deemed by the Supreme Court of Canada to include a right to free and fair collective bargaining.

The Supreme Court has also ruled that it includes the right to strike when negotiations between the union and the employer break down. This was determined in a historic ruling by the Supreme Court in a case brought forward by the SFL that found the right to strike was constitutionally protected and a right held by unionized workers.

Why should workers be concerned?

Workers should be concerned because of the precedent this could set for other governments in the country. Premier Doug Ford is close with Premier Scott Moe, and the Sask. Party government has never been a friend to working people. Workers in Saskatchewan and in other provinces with conservative governments should be concerned that if they are ever in difficult negotiations, there is precedent from other governments to use the notwithstanding clause to take away workers’ rights and impose a contract on workers.

What can we do?

The most important thing workers can do is to get involved with their union. The Doug Ford government’s legislation only failed because of an outpouring of solidarity and strength from workers and unions across the province. Using our collective power as union members is the only way to stop this sort of unjust legislation.

Workers can also make sure they vote for and work to elect progressive governments to the legislature that put workers first and are committed to respecting workers’ rights and the bargaining process.

“While the legislation failed in Ontario, that doesn’t mean other governments like the Sask. Party won’t try it here.”

Saskatchewan’s labour movement stands in solidarity with CUPE education workers in Ontario Wed, 02 Nov 2022 11:54:00 -0700

Ontario government’s legislation is an attack on all workers

The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) stands in solidarity with the 55,000 CUPE Ontario School Boards Council of Unions (OSBCU) members fighting against the Doug Ford Conservatives and their draconian legislation that forces a contract on education workers and violates their constitutional right to strike and to bargain fairly.

To pass the legislation, the Ontario Conservatives are invoking the notwithstanding clause- overriding charter protections of the fundamental right to the collective bargaining process. This is the first time a government in Canada has done so to stop a labour action.

“The Doug Ford government’s use of this legislation is unprecedented, and an attack on the rights of workers not just in Ontario, but across the country,” said SFL President Lori Johb. “If Doug Ford is able to succeed in trampling on the rights of workers unchallenged, there is no reason why other anti-worker governments like Scott Moe and the Sask. Party wouldn’t launch the same attacks on working people.”

The 55,000 education workers are custodians, maintenance and library workers, secretaries, early childhood educators, educational assistants, IT professionals working in publicly-funded schools across Ontario. They are the lowest-paid education workers, earning, on average, only $39,000 a year which has left many on the brink of poverty.

“The SFL fought hard to win the constitutional right to strike at the Supreme Court, and this legislation threatens the constitutional rights of every worker in this country,” said Johb. “Saskatchewan’s labour movement stands in solidarity with OSBCU members in their fight against the Doug Ford Conservatives and their bully tactics,” said Johb. The Ontario government needs to drop this legislation and return to the bargaining table with a real deal for Ontario education workers.”

To show your support of Ontario education workers, visit

Lori Johb re-elected President as 66th Annual SFL convention wraps up Fri, 28 Oct 2022 08:56:00 -0700

Delegates at the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour convention have re-elected Lori Johb as President for a two-year term as the annual convention wraps up following three days of workers from across the province gathering in solidarity to discuss worker issues and the future of Saskatchewan’s labour movement.

“I’d like to thank the working people of Saskatchewan for their continued support in this important role as leader of Saskatchewan’s labour movement,” Johb said. “It’s been a tough few years, and I am committed to continuing the fight to make life better for all workers in this province.”

This is Johb’s third term as SFL President. Since first being elected as President in 2018, Johb has made occupational health and safety one of her top priorities, successfully lobbying the government to create a fatalities and injuries strategy to reduce the number of workers in Saskatchewan who are killed or injured on the job. Priorities for Johb in the coming year include continuing the SFL’s campaign to address the cost of living crisis facing workers in Saskatchewan and continuing to work to make workplaces safer.

Johb became a vice-president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour in 2005, representing her union – SEIU-West. In 2010, Johb was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the SFL, a position she has held until she was first elected SFL president. She lives in Leroy, and is a proud healthcare worker. Johb is a passionate workplace health and safety advocate, a trained education facilitator, and has been active on issues such as women’s rights, supports for survivors of domestic violence, empowering young workers, and reconciliation within the Labour Movement.

Joining Johb as Secretary-Treasurer of the SFL is Kent Peterson. First elected as Secretary-Treasurer in 2021, Peterson is a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) who lives in Regina, and currently serves as Secretary-Treasurer for CUPE Saskatchewan. In his new role as SFL Secretary-Treasurer, Peterson said he is committed to ensuring the federation of labour has the resources it needs to invest in its education, conferences, campaigns, and political action.

Workers rally at legislature after Labour Minister refuses to face crowd at SFL convention Thu, 27 Oct 2022 12:54:00 -0700

Minister cancelled convention appearance after announcing the firing of 350 SGEU members

Workers are rallying at the legislature today following the Sask. Party’s announcement that the government is planning on firing over 350 SGEU members and closing all remaining SLGA stores in the province.

While there would have been an opportunity for the Sask. Party to explain themselves at the SFL’s annual convention, Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Don Morgan abruptly cancelled his scheduled appearance following yesterday’s announcement.

“The Minister agreed to attend our convention months ago, as workers have a lot of questions about the Sask. Party’s failure to do anything to address the cost of living crisis, their schemes to privatize health care, and their general lack of respect for working people in this province,” said SFL President Lori Johb. “It’s shameful that the Minister doesn’t have the courage to come to our convention to look workers in the eye and explain why his Sask. Party government is firing over 350 public sector workers, shutting down money-making retail stores and handing the profits off to private corporations. Since the Minister isn’t willing to answer to working people at our convention, we’re coming to him. Workers will make sure their voices are heard.”

Johb said that the Sask. Party’s decision to close money-making SLGA stores flies in the face of their claims that they’re creating jobs and “growth for everyone.”

“This decision is the exact opposite of what the Sask. Party claims to be doing, and it’s a huge blow to the hundreds of professional SLGA staff and their families. The only ones who will benefit from closing these stores are private, out-of-province liquor retailers who will take the profits out of Saskatchewan and out of our economy.”
