OH&S and Workers' Compensation Committee

Who We Are

The SFL OH&S and Workers' Compensation Committee works to provide a forum for SFL affiliates to participate in a critical analysis of Occupational Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation issues.

What We Do

The OH&S and Workers' Compensation Committee works to provide information to the SFL Executive Council, ensuring that opportunities for awareness, education, and participation are provided to affiliates/members, allowing everyone to make informed decisions on Occupational Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation issues and truly create change for the betterment of all.

2024-26 Committee Members

Jason Monteith, SEIU WEST, Chair
Beth Antoshkiw, SGEU
Paul Chevrier, USW
Leah Freitag, CUPE
Ryan Galloway, UFCW
Amanda Lepage, UFCW
Melanie Martin, SUN
Colin Tether, URFA
Erika Torgunrud, SUN
Russell Vaagen, USW
Taylor Apperley, SFL Staff
Janelle Gerard, SFL Staff