Pension and Benefits Committee
Who We Are
The SFL Pension and Benefits Committee provides a forum for SFL affiliates to participate in a critical analysis of pension and benefits issues. The Committee provides information to the SFL Executive Council, ensuring that opportunities for awareness, education and participation is provided to affiliates/members allowing everyone to make informed decisions on pension and benefits issues and truly create a change for the betterment of all.
Committee Members
Marilynne MacFarlane, SFL, Chair |
SFL Pension & Benefits Conference
Planning Together for a Better Tomorrow: The SFL Pension & Benefits Conference was held on March 22 and 23, 2023 in Regina.
Reference below for conference presentations and material.
- Conference Presenters 2023 (1 MB)
- Conference Agenda 2023 (131 KB)
- Glossary of Pension and Economic Terms 2023 (282 KB)
- Fact Finder Booklet 2023 (600 KB)
- Bert Blundon NUPGE pension presentation (2 MB)
- Fichter SFL 2023 SLIDES March 10 2023 (644 KB)
- James Harnum Presentation (1 MB)
- Lewis SFL Presentation Final (3 MB)
- Möbius Benefit Administrators The Abridged Version Final (4 MB)
- Phillips SFL Presentation March 22 2023 (2 MB)
- Roberts Final SFL Pensions Conf 2023 03 22 EN (2 MB)
- Segal Benefits of a Defined Benefit Pension Plan (2 MB)
- Vipond Presentation (2 MB)
Terms of Reference
- FINAL Terms Pension (182 KB)