Enough is Enough! SFL fighting for change this election
September 26, 2024

Regular people deserve better. After seventeen long years, enough is enough.
The Sask Party was first elected to government in 2007. For seventeen long years, Saskatchewan has been governed by Brad Wall & Scott Moe. Over that time, the Sask. Party has favoured friends & corporate interests instead of workers. Lest we forget things like:
• Essential services legislation
• Axing the film tax credit
• Selling off STC & public liquor stores
• Ending card check certification
• The lowest minimum wage in Canada
• Using the notwithstanding clause to suspend worker & student Charter rights.
That’s why – with political winds of change blowing – your SFL has been laser focused on defeating Scott Moe and the Sask Party this October. Over the last year, Speak Up Saskatchewan has connected us with tens of thousands of regular people, all ready for change.
Your SFL has been laser focused on defeating Scott Moe and the Sask Party this October.
Our Labour For Labour initiative launched in August, which collaborated with local campaigns best suited to defeat Sask. Party candidates. As part of that, we hope you cans support one or more of a whopping twenty-five pro-labour union members running against the Sask. Party this October.
Once the election is called, the SFL will be all over Saskatchewan, working in collaboration with those unions with boots on the ground to defeat the Scott Moe and the Sask Party. Check our ever-expanding listing of worker canvasses happening throughout October.
Regular people deserve better. After seventeen long years, enough is enough.