Holiday Message 2024

Image: RJ Patterson (courtesy of Canadian Assoc. of Labour Media)

Season's Greetings!

As we reach the end of 2024, it's a time to reflect on both the struggles and victories of working people, to celebrate with friends and family, and share in the bounties of our labour.

We send our solidarity to workers facing adversity this holiday season, including:

  • Striking postal workers, fighting for fairness and dignity at work.
  • UFCW members, locked out of the Heritage Inns for well over a year.
  • Those who are looking for work, who cannot work, and who are denied work.
  • Those working over the holidays to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and fueled.
  • The countless workers the globe over yearning for peace in the face of ongoing conflict, destruction, and bloodshed.

What we desire for ourselves, we wish for all. To this end, may we take our share in all the world's work and the world's struggles.

However you may celebrate this season, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour sends holiday wishes to you and yours.

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