Scott Moe must use upcoming budget to give workers a real raise

REGINA – Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government have the opportunity to use this week’s provincial budget to finally give Saskatchewan workers a real raise.

“The math is simple: Scott Moe’s government has billions of extra dollars due to high oil prices, while workers are overwhelmed by a generational cost-of-living crisis,” said Lori Johb, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), “in the budget, Scott Moe must give workers a real raise,” she added.

To further put money in the pockets of all Saskatchewan workers, Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government should immediately roll back their unfair utility rate hikes and substantially increase the minimum wage.

“Scott Moe and his Sask. Party government have made life more expensive by hiking utility rates, increasing fees and taxes, and allowing corporates to gouge Saskatchewan people,” said Johb, “I am hopeful that Scott Moe will realize his choices have been bad for the workers of this province, and use the budget as an opportunity to right those wrongs,” she added.

In addition to giving Saskatchewan workers a real raise, Scott Moe should use the budget to:

  • Roll back unfair utility rate hikes;
  • Increase the minimum wage;
  • Stop all forms of privatization and sell-offs;
  • Fix the healthcare crisis, and;
  • Invest more into safe workplaces and eliminating workplace violence.

“Scott Moe has been directed by his rich friends for far too long. By listening to Alberta corporations, Scott Moe has ignored Saskatchewan workers and lost his way,” said Johb, “the upcoming provincial budget is Scott Moe’s chance to see the error of his ways, and invest in the workers that power our economy and provide our public services,” she added.