Throne Speech a Hollow Epitaph for Brad Wall’s Career


October 25, 2017

Throne Speech a Hollow Epitaph for Brad Wall’s Career

As hundreds of voters rallied outside the Legislature opposing the Sask. Party government’s heartless cuts, layoffs, privatization, and growing list of scandals, Premier Wall was inside the legislature putting the final chisels into the epitaph for his political career. A career mired in waste, shady backroom deals, sell-offs, debt, deficit, and deceit.

“The labour movement organized and forced the Sask. Party government to abandon its bone-chilling Bill 40. While we are happy the premier has said Bill 40 will be repealed, and as we approach Hallowe’en I can’t help but think that Saskatchewan people have been promised treats by this government before, only to be tricked,” said Larry Hubich, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), “I won’t believe the Sask. Party government until the stake has been officially driven through Bill 40’s heart – never to rise again to prey on Saskatchewan’s Crown corporations,” he added.

While no intentions were revealed in the Throne Speech, the SFL is warning the Sask. Party government to steer clear of any attempts to picket pocket Saskatchewan workers by legislating wage rollbacks.

“Stealing money from workers is just not on,” said Hubich, “any efforts by the Sask. Party government to thieve 3.5% – or any amount – from the wallets of Saskatchewan workers will haunt the government in a major way,” he added.

Saskatchewan’s labour movement is calling on the Sask. Party government – and all Sask. Party leadership candidates – to do the right thing this Fall sitting of the Legislature, and announce a complete reversal of their gruesome cuts and unearthly privatization plans.

“The jury is no longer out on austerity and privatization. I am calling on the Sask. Party government to put the final nail in the coffin on their heartless cuts,” said Hubich, “it’s time for the government to end the nightmare of the last budget, and instead commit to investing in public services, creating good sustainable jobs, and expanding our valued Crown corporations,” he added.

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The SFL represents over 100,000 working people across the province in 37 affiliated unions.

For additional information, contact:

Kent Peterson

Strategic Advisor

Saskatchewan Federation of Labour

m: 1 (306) 570-1855
