WCB coverage for taxi drivers should be mandatory, and all other WCB exemptions eliminated
Released April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018
WCB coverage for taxi drivers should be mandatory, and all other WCB exemptions eliminated
The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) is calling on the Sask. Party government to eliminate all exemptions, loopholes, and exclusions that allow some employers to exclude employees from Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) coverage.
“There should be absolutely no exemptions from WCB coverage for workers, including taxi drivers. The recent case involving a Regina taxi driver who was stabbed and carjacked highlights the need to make this change,” said SFL president Larry Hubich, “taxi drivers are workers that work for large license-holding companies and there is no reason why they should be excluded from WCB coverage,” he added.
The federation of labour has called on provincial governments of all political stripes to eliminate exemptions, loopholes, and exclusions that allow some employers to exclude employees from WCB coverage. The SFL included this recommendation in WCB Committee of Review reports in 2001, 2006, 2011, and has been its consistent position ever since.
In addition to the need for mandatory WCB coverage for taxi drivers, the SFL is calling for additional measures to make workplaces safer for taxi drivers.
“Cab companies are required to have a violence prevention policy, but it’s pretty clear those policies are not being enforced and are not effective,” said Hubich, “the provincial government must take action by forcing cab companies to get serious about violence prevention policies, but also legislate more protections like shields between drivers and passengers,” said Hubich.
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The SFL represents over 100,000 working people across the province in 37 affiliated unions.
For additional information, contact:
Kent Peterson
SFL Strategic Advisor
m: 1 (306) 570-1855
e: k.peterson@sfl.sk.ca